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KS3 Science Packs

Our clear, visual KS3 Science Pathways sequence all of the key ideas and scientific vocabulary through the years 7, 8 and 9. These are packaged into Yearly Overviews containing Topic Overviews and are supported with Teacher’s Science Planners which give full instructions.

Introducing the Topic Overviews.

Our clear, visual Topic Overviews sequence the progression of key scientific ideas and vocabulary through Key Stage 3. There are full teacher guides and instructions for each year group as well as easy to use assessment guides so teachers can plan for, and assess, pupil progress.


Family Colour

Within the CHSC Science Pathways are six ‘Families’ of science topics which relate to key ideas within the KS3 Science

Brown = Energy
Yellow = Forces
Pink = Particles
Blue = Survival (Animals)
Green = Survival (Plants)
Grey = Earth & Space

This colour coding makes it easy to teach through these key ideas. Within the pack each ‘Family’ is packaged into a PowerPoint which allows teachers to see how concepts and vocabulary develop over time. Using these resources teachers can save time by only planning learning activities which build on what has been taught in previous years and avoid concepts and vocabulary that will be taught in later years.

Key Vocabulary

The Key Vocabulary bubble contains scientific words that have been introduced in earlier years or topics (IN GREEN) and beneath them, are the key words and concepts that need to be understood at this time in order to meet the demands of the new 2014 National Curriculum for Science (IN BLACK).

The 4 Key Concepts

The four bubbles each contain a key concept that must be covered during this topic. They tell you ‘what to teach’ in this topic. The outline colours of the bubbles enable teachers to see various themes within the family of topics and to check how these individual themes develop from Years 7 – 9. Doing this helps you to pitch your teaching to an appropriate level.


KS3 Science Pathways Pack

The CHSC Science Pathways have been designed to ensure that there is a progression in understanding key concepts and scientific vocabulary as children progress through KS3. They ensure that there is a spread of biology, chemistry and physics concepts covered in each year group.

Planning your lessons around the Science Pathways will ensure that you meet and exceed the NC statutory requirements for the content to be covered by the end of the Key Stage.

What is in this pack?

A page per view summary of the new 2014 National Curriculum for Science.

Five A3 size Yearly Planner posters covering the progression in vocabulary and key concepts from Upper KS2 through to Year 9. These are inline with and exceed the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum.

A2 staffroom versions of the Yearly Planner posters which, together with Progression Planner PowerPoints, clearly show the sequence of science concepts and vocabulary from Years 7-9.

Electronic versions Teacher’s Science Planner booklet for each year group.

A USB memory stick with electronic copies of all resources.

A site licence for the use of all of these latest materials and resources within your school.

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